Funny but that question popped into my head while listening to a radio report on the conviction of a man accused of driving,very much above the legal level of intoxication, his auto the wrong way on a highway then crashing it into another auto which caused the deaths of the driver and a child passenger. As I listened I heard, or at least I thought I heard, the convicted man's lawyer state that this was nothing more then an accident and not murder as the district attorney had charged and got the jury to convict his client on. He went on to state that his client wants to take responsibility but only for having caused an accident. Ok, lets take a closer look at the facts. The defendant went out drinking that night and consumed enough alcoholic to make him so impaired that he couldn't see or comprehend the numerous signs that have been placed at all highway ramps for the luxury of the many dazed and confused-not drunk-motorist we have in this state in big red lettering "DO NOT ENTER" or in the more lovelier shaded yellow signs that proclaim "WRONG WAY". His client missed all of that. He missed all of those signs not because he was dazed and confused but because he was DRUNK. If he'd been simply dazed and confused he would have at least seen the signs and not had entered the highway that night the wrong way and would not have taken those two lives. And if he had been just dazed and confused well then that, my dear lawyer, would have been a tragic accident and would not have constituted a charge of murder which I'm sure the D.A. would not have charged him with. And here is a fact that this lawyer might not like to hear but it simple enough: your client killed and did so intentionally when he picked up that first drink that night. He did so when he crossed that i have had enough line that we all know we have. He did so when he entered his car and drove away to meet his destiny and cause two innocent people meet theirs. Those who died will not get their day in court to have their case presented to a jury by a crafty lawyer, that painful burden has been given to their loved ones. They will not even get that second chance that all of us bad doers seem to demand and get these days in America. I am not at all sorry for your client's fate, he deserves all the jail time he gets and that, my friends, is all the responsibility he can take.
One skilled in circumvention of the law. A.B.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Happiness defined
An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another. Thus is the credo of our cable news networks and every ex-lover.......
An agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another. Thus is the credo of our cable news networks and every ex-lover.......
police car chases
The United States Supreme court today heard a case which evolved out of a "police chase" of a motorist that ended when the police rammed the back of his car causing it to roll off the road. Anybody who has watched our "impressive" and highly "professional" cable news channels, CNN,MSNBC or FOX, has, on a occasion such as a slow news day, seen these chases played out. So why are we in the Supreme Court in this case? Because there is a victim in this case. Someone was injured, in fact was paralyzed and has been left to toil away the rest of their life in a wheelchair because of what they are claiming is another case of police brutality;ramming. The irony here is that the "victim" is the driver of the car that the police had chased. YES!!! HE WAS THE DRIVER OF THE CAR THAT,WAIT A MINUTE,OF THE CAR THAT REFUSED TO STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He refused to stop when being requested to so by the cops when they put on, what everybody in the universe recognizes, as those bright red flashing lights and flashing high beams. Instead our "victim" chose to put the "pedal to the metal" and take the police on a tour of that particular countryside. With speeds reported to been in excess of 90 mile per hour they chased this poor "victim"! So why are we in the Supreme Court,again? Oh, yes, police brutality, thats right, after all the police started it, thats why we name them "police chases". In fact every time the police do something in the line of duty, except die of course, we give their actions their name, aka "a police shooting" ," a police riot". Never is it our fault, the police started it all they went out that night looking to shoot to chase and mane or to run through the streets chasing people and causing them to set fires to cars and business, and to loot. Yep they are bad those police. Well let me state this as just one of my many frustrations. What do we want them to do? They get paid to serve and protect, this might shock you, US!! In this case they were doing their job. What if this driver had just committed a felony such as kidnapping a kid, a sport that has been very popular these days, witness the recent events in St. Louis and Fla. I ask you: How do the police know that the person they are trying to stop had not just done something bad? I'll tell you, WHEN HE OR SHE DOES NOT STOP!!!thats how. Yes they have to assume the worst because thats what they deal with everyday and what they are left to think when someone speeds off into the night. Its simple if the police want to stop you, you MUST STOP!!! Unless of course you are a felon or you had just realized that the pot roast is burning then by all means run but don't think you will be able to sue if the chase ends poorly for you. Hey maybe they can consider suing the news channels who feel compelled to air all in progress "police chases" as "breaking news"....hey maybe thats why people run they want their fifteen minutes of fame!!!! Come on Supreme Court send the right message here and keep us on the right road.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Enough already pay him.
So why won't the Yankees pay Mariano Rivera the millions he justly deserves? That was the burning question on the radio talk program I had been listening to while trying to pay four hundred dollars worth of bills with the last of the two hundred dollars I had in my checking account. One caller after another took shots at George Stienbrenner and his General Manager, Brain Cashman, for not paying their star his just due. Just due? For a guy who has made well over ten million dollars over his ten year career, what a bunch of really nice and compassionate fans I thought to myself. I thought why couldn't I be more like them. Then I thought to myself: When was the last time I went to a baseball game at Yankee Stadium? Answer: The last time I was able to afford one and that was well over fifteen years ago. After the tenth caller stated that the Yankees lacked the respect for Rivera he deserved I had had enough and turned off the show feeling sick over the concern these people had for the financial welfare of a man who will never in his life know the word "need". Don't get me wrong all the power to him. But when people, who literally have no pot to piss in feel the need to come to a millionaire's defense, I feel the need to get sick to my stomach and scream at the moon. But now I have this blog and no longer have to embarrass myself the way I use to, I simply blog and will now take this opportunity to state my view of this Yankee dilemma in that blog. Enough already pay him so that all of us "bottom feeders" can go back to paying our bills!!!!!
RICH, (n.)
The savings of many in the hands of one.
Eugene Debs
RICH, (n.)
The savings of many in the hands of one.
Eugene Debs
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Your Cheating Heart
Hold the Presses!! There is breaking news out of NASCAR these days. Four crew chiefs were suspended and fined and their drivers docked 100 points all because they cheated in preparing their cars for the upcoming Daytona 500. One of the crew chiefs suspended was the chief of Michael Waltrip's team which is now under contract to race for Toyota. NASCAR would only comment that the device they found in the engine was used in jet engines. Whatever happened to the NASCAR I once knew and whatever happened to the good old boy days of hard honest racing. When racers stood in the same line as you for a hot dog or a turn at the john. When they were very willing not to be like those other sport icons and signed autographs freely and without any reservations. Well those days are gone,their women wear Prada,they don't even acknowledge you and they cheat. No its not steroids but rigging a car outside the rules is no different. Whats ironic about it is that Waltrip's car is a Toyota and not a Ford or Chevy or why cheat?
Iran,the president and the truth; i think?
Outside of the an occasional UFO sighting, the next rarest sighting is a Presidential news conference. Yep, the president went before the public and laid it all on the line. First he stated that it would be totally ridiculous to think that anybody in his administration would fabricate a story that the Iranian Government is suppling our enemies in Iraq with munitions. I tend to agree that the Iranians are doing that exactly, but, I also remember WMDS and the fact that they never existed. So the president's creditability has gone out the window and the truth in all of this is that the real war is in Afghanistan and our troops there, as well as, their NATO Allies need more support, support that was taken from them some four-years ago so that we could put democracy's noose around a dictators neck.
WAR, n.
A by-product of the arts of peace. The most menacing political condition is a period of international amity. The student of history who has not been taught to expect the unexpected may justly boast himself inaccessible to the light. "In time of peace prepare for war" has a deeper meaning than is commonly discerned; it means, not merely that all things earthly have an end -- that change is the one immutable and eternal law -- but that the soil of peace is thickly sown with the seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination and growth. It was when Kubla Khan had decreed his "stately pleasure dome" -- when, that is to say, there were peace and fat feasting in Xanadu -- that he
heard from afar
Ancestral voices prophesying war.
One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of men, and it was not for nothing that he read us this parable. Let us have a little less of "hands across the sea," and a little more of that elemental distrust that is the security of nations. War loves to come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide the night. A.B.
WAR, n.
A by-product of the arts of peace. The most menacing political condition is a period of international amity. The student of history who has not been taught to expect the unexpected may justly boast himself inaccessible to the light. "In time of peace prepare for war" has a deeper meaning than is commonly discerned; it means, not merely that all things earthly have an end -- that change is the one immutable and eternal law -- but that the soil of peace is thickly sown with the seeds of war and singularly suited to their germination and growth. It was when Kubla Khan had decreed his "stately pleasure dome" -- when, that is to say, there were peace and fat feasting in Xanadu -- that he
heard from afar
Ancestral voices prophesying war.
One of the greatest of poets, Coleridge was one of the wisest of men, and it was not for nothing that he read us this parable. Let us have a little less of "hands across the sea," and a little more of that elemental distrust that is the security of nations. War loves to come like a thief in the night; professions of eternal amity provide the night. A.B.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
A simple wish
Just think one day American Idol will be a thing of the past never to be seen again and those who were addicted to this show, will be reading a book, a periodical or sitting around discussing how to change the world.....Right. Just a wish.
Valentine's day and its true meaning.
Well guys here it is again. Tomorrow is valentine's day and once again we are faced with the burning question:What can I give her that will express my everlasting love for her? Right. Lets face it, guys, if it weren't for the fact that the flower and card companies are able to, through their countless adds, touch upon our one human emotion, guilt, us fellows wouldn't give a hoot about what to get our "better halves" on this day. Too bad the card and flower companies can't remember her birthday and our anniversary, now that would be a prefect world. Just a thought from a frustrated lover.
LOVE, n.
A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. This disease, like caries and many other ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than to the patient. By Ambrose Bierce. Enjoy your day, ladies!
LOVE, n.
A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. This disease, like caries and many other ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than to the patient. By Ambrose Bierce. Enjoy your day, ladies!
My Opinion of the life and death of a tabloid created diva.
ANNA NICOLE SMITH.................So what did the life and death of this tabloid created diva mean to me? Well, nothing.
The Iraqi war and it 's future.
Now that the congress is finally taking up the debate as to what to do with Iraq let us not forget the disastrous effect pulling out would have at this time or any time soon on that struggling, thanks to us, country and its people.
Pulling out solely for the reason of pulling out would allow for Iran and Syria, two of the Middle East most ardent U.S. supporters, to step into a country that is just ripe for the taking. That is something that the U.S. and all of it's increasingly nervous Arab allies don't want to see happen. Yes, it was wrong, very wrong,to have entered into that war in the first place but it would be just as equally wrong to pull out while leaving Iraq incapable of taking care of itself. Furthermore, any resolution that condemns the war would only be that a winded and meaningless statement that would not do much to bring the troops home while sending a clear message to our enemies and allies that we can not be trusted to finish the job. If congress wants to debate a real issue it should debate the reasons we went to war in Iraq in the first place. Ah! but there they will find that there is enough blame to go around for everybody. So lets give General Petraeus a chance to get the job done after all,"We" created this mess, yes, "We" meaning Democrats and Republicans alike and "We" should now at least see to it that when we leave,and we will leave,that we do so knowing that the Iraqis are in the best possible shape to effectively govern themselves and in the best possible way to protect themselves. American policy should not be decided the same way we select our American Idols. Thank you
Pulling out solely for the reason of pulling out would allow for Iran and Syria, two of the Middle East most ardent U.S. supporters, to step into a country that is just ripe for the taking. That is something that the U.S. and all of it's increasingly nervous Arab allies don't want to see happen. Yes, it was wrong, very wrong,to have entered into that war in the first place but it would be just as equally wrong to pull out while leaving Iraq incapable of taking care of itself. Furthermore, any resolution that condemns the war would only be that a winded and meaningless statement that would not do much to bring the troops home while sending a clear message to our enemies and allies that we can not be trusted to finish the job. If congress wants to debate a real issue it should debate the reasons we went to war in Iraq in the first place. Ah! but there they will find that there is enough blame to go around for everybody. So lets give General Petraeus a chance to get the job done after all,"We" created this mess, yes, "We" meaning Democrats and Republicans alike and "We" should now at least see to it that when we leave,and we will leave,that we do so knowing that the Iraqis are in the best possible shape to effectively govern themselves and in the best possible way to protect themselves. American policy should not be decided the same way we select our American Idols. Thank you
Speaker Pelosi's air accommodations
The speaker must have stepped out side of her mind to think that she deserves a bigger plane. I think I deserve a new car but the needs of my family come first so a drive a wreck. It didn't take long for the speaker to step into, well you know what.
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