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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our town parks

Here is an update on our town parks: THEY ARE STILL EMPTY!


Governor Paterson of New York recently stated that the media was, perhaps, bias in their reporting of him. WHAT!! Lets see Mr. Paterson has tried to shove Richard Ravitchs on the taxpayers of this state by ignoring the state's constitution and has tried to take whatever freedom we have left as citizens of this once great state away from us and he feels as if he's being picked on because he is black. Well, I guess,thats a relief to here that is not just our police doing all that racical profiling but now our media too.

Friday, August 21, 2009


The recent statement by ailing Massachusetts Senator, Ted Kennedy and New York Governor Paterson's actions should be cause for concern. Mr. Kennedy, recently stated that the state's legislature ought change the law for replacing office holders so that when he decides to step down the governor can appoint his replacement. In New York, Governor Paterson's decided to ignore the state's constitution when he appointed as "his own" Lt. Governor. Both of these moves ought to raise concern for democracy lovers everywhere since they are no more different in principle then a military general overthrowing a civilian government. The difference being the means at which they achieve their goal; one uses weapons and the fear of force while the other choose the uses a pen and the law. Mr. Kennedy states that he is in full support of the special election law that states that an election should be held no sooner than 145 day and no later then 160 days from the vacancy of the seat. However, the senator is concerned about leaving his seat unfilled with a chance that the President's Health plan may makes its way to the senate for a vote and that would mean that Massachusetts would only get one vote. Never mind the law, just change it and get on with doing the people's work. Never mind that any appointee would have a clear advantage, not earned, over any other candidate in the special election that would be held, and that's not fair.
In New York the Governor in his attempt to solidify power decided that the State's Constitution didn't mean a thing and went ahead and appointed Richard Ravitch Lt. Gov. Thank God for the court. Now what remains to be seen is what the Governor of New York and the Massachusetts legislature do next, remember they are all lawyers and thus trained at circumventing the law.


I don't care what anybody thinks on this one, but there is something totally wrong when one man gets two years for shooting himself and another gets less than a month in jail for running down another person causing that person's death. Heck Stallworth, can even leave his so called "house confinement" to train. Its all sick folks and its getting sicker by the minute. So sick that the W.H.O ought to issue a warning when coming to the U.S. that states "WATCH OUT FOR IMBECILITY". What Plax did was wrong and he should have known better but to send him up the river for two years when all he did was injure himself is insane! Don't get me wrong, had he shot someone else then there be hell to pay, but he didn't thus why not fine the shit out of him and place him on probation for two years where he can do community service and not be a drain on an already overburden and strapped for cash correctional system.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hollywood and violence

You know it has always baffled me that those in Hollywood, the execs,the producers, the directors, and the actors all go around telling us that violence doesn't pay and yet they make movies that give it creditabilty while going out of their way to show the viewers death and destruction in ways they have never seen before. Just a thought.

The Joba Rules

They suck. Let this kid pitch already. Oh and by the way he hasn't been that impressive.


What a joke it for Mike Bloomberg, mayor of that fiscally draining NYC,to say that he wants to fix the MTA. His consituents never had it so good. they pay 2.50 to ride a system that could take them anywhere they want to go within the five boros of the city. Meanwhile those of us who are trapped on Long Island and all of the rest of the city's surrounding suburbs, have to pay fees that are deyond the type of service we receive in return. And the timing Mike, is this an election year? I forget but I think it is. i am touched by the Mayor's eagerness to fix the MTA which comes at a time well after they gave out nice raises to their, at best average work force, and after they forced this tax and service charge upon us syaing all along that they were broke. You know I used to get mad at these shows of concern by politicans who come hat in hand looking for you and telling you that they can make your life that much better every election year but now i know that its all a game that we must like watching because we say nothing about it everytime they shit on our heads, which is every year for three years after they've gotten your vote.

Friday, July 17, 2009


March 6th 1981, was the last time Walter Cronkite signed off to millions of viewers of the CBS Evening news and the last time American's saw what real broadcast journalism should be. Since his retirement (forced due to age) CBS has followed this legend with Dan Rather ( a legend in his own mind) and Connie and Katie, none have measured up to Walter's level and ability to make you feel as if you were sitting on your front porch listening to your favorite uncle tell you about the world, and no one yet to come will. What I remember most about Walter Cronkite was his ability to not let his emotions take over his responsibilty to the viewers, two events that come to mind are of course President Kennedy's death and the landing of Apollo 11 on the moon. Too many broadcast journalist have failed at the critical moment allowing themselves to become as big or bigger than the event they are covering. And lets not forget that only Cronkite could have told millions of viewers worldwide that the war in Vietnam should be ended with honor and not be looking for a new job the next day. Never agian will we see the likes of such a journalist and thats just the way it is for this day, July 17th 2009. Rest in peace Walter.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009



At this very moment I sit here writing this blog our US Congress is holding hearings on, get this, why the University of Utah is not being called "National Champions" after going 13-0!!!!! Yes the University's President is testifying in front of congress asking them to over ride the NCAA choice for National Champions. I think this really makes the case for me that this country is gone, fallen off the radar of common sense and into the abyss of imbecility. With all that is going on both in this country and abroad not to mention the fact that we are embedded in the worst, yes worst economic crisis ever our congress is taking the time and our money to hold this bullshit hearing. At this very moment as the congress probes this great "injustice and scandal" we have young soldiers fighting and dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, many of whom will return, if they are lucky, to a country that will not give one shit about them and a University system that will ring them for every dollar they possess should they decide to get an education beyond high school. In fact the military in Afghanistan is in the middle of one of the biggest offensives since the Vietnam war and no one cares. The first thing that comes to my mind is that this hearing is beyond the belief of any normal thinking person(s). Then again we are talking about congress.