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Friday, August 21, 2009


The recent statement by ailing Massachusetts Senator, Ted Kennedy and New York Governor Paterson's actions should be cause for concern. Mr. Kennedy, recently stated that the state's legislature ought change the law for replacing office holders so that when he decides to step down the governor can appoint his replacement. In New York, Governor Paterson's decided to ignore the state's constitution when he appointed as "his own" Lt. Governor. Both of these moves ought to raise concern for democracy lovers everywhere since they are no more different in principle then a military general overthrowing a civilian government. The difference being the means at which they achieve their goal; one uses weapons and the fear of force while the other choose the uses a pen and the law. Mr. Kennedy states that he is in full support of the special election law that states that an election should be held no sooner than 145 day and no later then 160 days from the vacancy of the seat. However, the senator is concerned about leaving his seat unfilled with a chance that the President's Health plan may makes its way to the senate for a vote and that would mean that Massachusetts would only get one vote. Never mind the law, just change it and get on with doing the people's work. Never mind that any appointee would have a clear advantage, not earned, over any other candidate in the special election that would be held, and that's not fair.
In New York the Governor in his attempt to solidify power decided that the State's Constitution didn't mean a thing and went ahead and appointed Richard Ravitch Lt. Gov. Thank God for the court. Now what remains to be seen is what the Governor of New York and the Massachusetts legislature do next, remember they are all lawyers and thus trained at circumventing the law.

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