Saturday, March 31, 2007
I don't know about you,but......
these gas prices make me happy that i own a bicycle. For the record $3 a gallon for regular is when I begin my cycling. Now if I could only get my job to move closer.
Rosie and her big mouth....
might just be right. Yes, thats right Rosie O'Donnell of that inept noise making chatter box show, "The View" might have hit the nail on the head when she stated that the 15 British sailors and marines, who were captured by the Iranians last week, were part of a diabolical plot by their government and the U.S. government to further enhance the possibility of war with Iran. Though I don't share this premise, not knowing, off hand,of any military person who would become involved in such an operation, I must say that if one looks closely at history one will find a long laundry list of events which would expose governments that have lied about facts in order to get into a wars. Take for instance the rally cry "Don't forget the Maine, or the Gulf of Tonkin incident and most recently those WMDs. The Maine, which was believed to have been sunk by the Spaniards was actually done in by an explosion in its boil room, nevertheless its sinking gave us the Spanish-American War. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was recently reported to have never have happened by the man who was in command of the ship it reportedly fired upon. And of course those WMDs (Weapons of mass destruction) which never existed. All have been used to spark emotions of nationalism which would make recruiting a walk in the park. So before you get up set at Rosie for questioning the truthfulness and true intentions of her government and the British government all you have to do is remember your history.
Peace; (noun) a period of cheating between wars. A.B.
Peace; (noun) a period of cheating between wars. A.B.
An April fool is.....
a March fool with another month added to his folly. A.B. Well, to all you fools out there, enjoy your day. I know I will.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Karl Rove America has voted and you are....
going home. Boy if only our dreams came true, all the time. Mr. President if America could vote today we would send you and Karl home.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Charlie hustle comes clean.
Finally Pete Rose has admitted what the rest of all of America knew, he bet all the time on his team. So what should Major League Baseball do. If my opinion counts for something, they should do NOTHING! He's a lier who couldn't, when caught red handed, stand up and take responsibility. The only time Charlie Hustle should see the inside of the Hall of Fame is as a paying customer.
Who needs casinos when we have insurance companies
You know casinos and insurance companies are quite the same. You go to a casino to bet away whatever money you have in the hope that you will win and that the payoff you receive will cover your expenditures for the night.
With insurance you bet on your luck, that's bad luck, that nothing will happen and that if it does they will pay out enough to cover the expenditures you need to recover.
Outside being caught cheating, the casino has to pay you with no questions asked. The insurance company doesn't have to pay out at all or will only after making you feel like a lier or crack addict asking mom and dad for a cash advance so that you can get back up on your feet.
The casino is a form of entertainment that we rarely can afford. Insurance is a form of torture that is provided to us once a month, which reminds us of just how much money we have thrown at them over the many, many years for the enjoyment of having such good luck.
Casinos don't run and hide when disasters strike, they simply clean up and open up so that they can provide a service to their patrons. Insurance companies, well they run and hide and do so while telling you that your "coverage" doesn't cover that. Its called the fine print, similar to the fine print in the movie Willy Wonker and the chocolate factory(remember the contract he made the winners sign at the beginning of the tour of the factory).
Despite any forecast of economic hard times casinos are always there for you. On the contrary insurance companies will leave you faster than a scorned lover. Just ask the homeowners of Long Island who have Allstate. Upon hearing that the east coast was likely get a direct hit from a major Katrina type hurricane, Allstate refused to renew the policies of thousands of Long Island homeowners. Imagine that, the good hands of Allstate were only good for grabbing and counting your cash and not for extending and helping you up. just a thought.
An ingenious modern game of chance in which the player is permitted to enjoy the comfortable conviction that he is beating the man who keeps the table. A.B.
With insurance you bet on your luck, that's bad luck, that nothing will happen and that if it does they will pay out enough to cover the expenditures you need to recover.
Outside being caught cheating, the casino has to pay you with no questions asked. The insurance company doesn't have to pay out at all or will only after making you feel like a lier or crack addict asking mom and dad for a cash advance so that you can get back up on your feet.
The casino is a form of entertainment that we rarely can afford. Insurance is a form of torture that is provided to us once a month, which reminds us of just how much money we have thrown at them over the many, many years for the enjoyment of having such good luck.
Casinos don't run and hide when disasters strike, they simply clean up and open up so that they can provide a service to their patrons. Insurance companies, well they run and hide and do so while telling you that your "coverage" doesn't cover that. Its called the fine print, similar to the fine print in the movie Willy Wonker and the chocolate factory(remember the contract he made the winners sign at the beginning of the tour of the factory).
Despite any forecast of economic hard times casinos are always there for you. On the contrary insurance companies will leave you faster than a scorned lover. Just ask the homeowners of Long Island who have Allstate. Upon hearing that the east coast was likely get a direct hit from a major Katrina type hurricane, Allstate refused to renew the policies of thousands of Long Island homeowners. Imagine that, the good hands of Allstate were only good for grabbing and counting your cash and not for extending and helping you up. just a thought.
An ingenious modern game of chance in which the player is permitted to enjoy the comfortable conviction that he is beating the man who keeps the table. A.B.
Thanks to mlp for giving me a plug
Glad to hear that all is well with your dad. and thanks for helping to jump start my blog. You are a true friend and, if I may add, a pretty darn good judge of character.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
ATTENTION! Immoral people need not apply.
Just when we thought that the level of ineptitude, which has galloped boldly through this administration, had ebbed, along comes Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,General Peter Pace and his thoughts about homosexuality. In case you hadn't read these quotes here are some of them: “I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts,” Pace was quoted as saying in the newspaper interview. “I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way.” Holy Shit! Is Pace kidding here? Does he really believe what he is saying or was it his turn to deflect heat away from the administration's latest debacle at Walter Reed? There are so many ways one can respond to this incredibly outrageous and stupid statement that it actually freezes one's mind! Good battle field tactics, General Pace.
Only after calming my mind down and then jump starting it with coffee, was I able to respond. Here goes, General, when Hitler was running the table in Europe and the Japanese the same in Asia, did any of your distinguished predecessors worry if the young men they were sending off to fight and perhaps die held feeling they or anyone else,including you, would have considered immoral? I think not, or if they did they choose not to make it an issue. Did the draft board wonder or ask the 18 year olds they had just drafted to fight in Korea and Vietnam if they had any immoral tendencies? Ah, no.
I hadn't realized that one needed to be so "pure" in virtue in order to kill for his or her country. And why should gays not be given the opportunity to fight and defend this country in its war on terror, after all not all those who died on 9/11 were straight or moral.
General, may I remind you that one doesn't have to look far in Washington to see that in one way or another and in various degrees we are all sinners. Washington has always had enough immorality to choke a race horse. So, General, before you speak of things that you feel are "immoral" please, please first seek the advise of Dick Cheney or the right to lifers, after all homosexuals are people too, then remind yourself that,we are all Americans, straight or not, and that in our recent history too many young men and women have died for causes that held no reason or justification other then to protect the interests of the Halliburtons of the world,and in that, sir, lay the real immorality.
MAD, adj.
Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence; not conforming to standards of thought, speech and action derived by the conformants from study of themselves; at odds with the majority; in short, unusual. It is noteworthy that persons are pronounced mad by officials destitute of evidence that themselves are sane.
Only after calming my mind down and then jump starting it with coffee, was I able to respond. Here goes, General, when Hitler was running the table in Europe and the Japanese the same in Asia, did any of your distinguished predecessors worry if the young men they were sending off to fight and perhaps die held feeling they or anyone else,including you, would have considered immoral? I think not, or if they did they choose not to make it an issue. Did the draft board wonder or ask the 18 year olds they had just drafted to fight in Korea and Vietnam if they had any immoral tendencies? Ah, no.
I hadn't realized that one needed to be so "pure" in virtue in order to kill for his or her country. And why should gays not be given the opportunity to fight and defend this country in its war on terror, after all not all those who died on 9/11 were straight or moral.
General, may I remind you that one doesn't have to look far in Washington to see that in one way or another and in various degrees we are all sinners. Washington has always had enough immorality to choke a race horse. So, General, before you speak of things that you feel are "immoral" please, please first seek the advise of Dick Cheney or the right to lifers, after all homosexuals are people too, then remind yourself that,we are all Americans, straight or not, and that in our recent history too many young men and women have died for causes that held no reason or justification other then to protect the interests of the Halliburtons of the world,and in that, sir, lay the real immorality.
MAD, adj.
Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence; not conforming to standards of thought, speech and action derived by the conformants from study of themselves; at odds with the majority; in short, unusual. It is noteworthy that persons are pronounced mad by officials destitute of evidence that themselves are sane.
Monday, March 12, 2007
The bagpipe blues or boy am I glad I'm not a dog.
Well here it is again, another St Patrick's day. The only day the Irish have that gives them a good reason to drink away their sorrows for having knowingly promoted one of music's most profoundly annoying noise makers, the bagpipe. So if you happen to be at any of the million beer fest, oops, I'm sorry, I meant St. Patrick's day parades, and the bagpipes start to get to you, remind yourself of one thing, you could have been a dog with a master who loves bagpipes.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Starbucks or a movie? It doesn't matter the torment is the same.
Since when did going to the movies become as hard as buy a cup of coffee at Starbucks? Tonight I decided to treat myself to a movie. The movie I wanted to see had a start time of six thirty. So after getting a quick bite to eat I ventured over to the local town movie theater and was pleased to see that there were only two women, and they were together, on line to purchase tickets ahead of me. This, however, is were the fun begins. The two ladies in front of me held their position on that line for well over twenty-two minutes while trying to decide whether or not they needed to sit in "stadium seats" or those "regular seats". Apparently to sit in a "stadium seat" a person must part with a lot more dollars,ten, to be exact because not only would they see a movie but they would not have to get up during the feature to buy snacks or drinks that would be brought to them by their servers. Twenty-two minutes I stood there listening to these two debate the advantages and disadvantages of "stadium seating" as opposed to the "cheaper seats". By the time they decided to pay for the luxury of not having to miss a moment of the picture the line was out the door and the popcorn was almost all gone and the picture had already started. So with out any popcorn i made my way to my cheap seat only, as it turned out, to see that they too were seeing the same movie as I and as it turned out the money they spent only got them two rows closer then me. The only draw back was that they had their popcorn and I had to watch them eat it. After the movie was over and as i was walking out i heard those words which makes every coffee lover tremble:"Will that be a house blend,bold, soft note, frappuccino?, venti?, grande?, and should we leave room for milk? I looked over and it hit me, no wonder buying a ticket for a movie has become so complicated the theater has a Starbucks!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Libby's fall upon the sword
Duty, Honor, Country. Those words are so proudly displayed at U.S. Military Academy at West Point. They were composed by one of this country's greatest generals, Douglas MacArthur. Though Scooter Libby never went to West Point he certainly can relate to them. Libby certainly saw the call to DUTY when he left his very lucrative law practice to serve his country as the chief of staff to the Vice President of the United States. And as the CIA leak case developed,Scooter Libby sought HONOR in holding firm and not implicating anyone else within the executive branch, choosing instead, to fall upon the sword himself. And for all the honor a jury of his "peers" made Scooter Libby a convicted felon. And in this COUNTRY, a convicted political felon can only mean one thing: A BOOK DEAL!
Side note: If the judge has any backbone he will sentence Libby to community service at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Just a thought.
Side note: If the judge has any backbone he will sentence Libby to community service at Walter Reed Army Hospital. Just a thought.
Why Walter Reed suprises you
Was it really that surprising to find out what was happening at Walter Reed? Was it even more mind boggling to hear some of the answers the generals gave when asked by the congressional committee the other day. No,not to me it was. I wasn't surprised to see that this country cares for its injured vets in the same way it cares for its destitute. No sir,I wasn't even shocked by the comments made by Generals Kiley, Weightmen and Schoomaker as they faced the congressional committee that is investigating the conditions that were so courageously brought into the public eye by the Washington Post.
Kiley's remark that he doesn't do barracks inspection should have had him fired right on the spot. You are the chief surgeon of the army at a time of "war" and you can't find the time to visit your wounded patriots! Hell sir you lived right across the street from them! Just think what a visit by the army's top medical surgeon would have meant for those wounded and recovering. It would have, at the very least, conveyed a feeling that those "at the top" gave a shit and would have opened your eyes to the conditions they were recovering in and based on your testimony your eyes needed to be opened. But then again you don't do barrack inspections.
And as for you General Weightmen and your statement to the committee that, "We did not fully recognize the frustrating bureaucratic and administrative processes some of these soldiers go through. We should have, and in this I failed." Yes you did. How could you sit there and say that you didn't recognize the bureaucratic and administrative processes facing these brave men and woman and their families when you have spent your entire career in the military, which has always been one of the biggest bureaucratic and administrative monsters in recorded history. I guess you had just been hired from off the street and that the army places those they hire off the street right into the rank of general. Well I know at least this much; the army doesn't hire their generals off the street, and that in this case it might have been better for those mistreated vets had they done so. Last but not least, General Schoomaker. General the emotion you displayed when advising the committee's chairman, Rep. Tierney that you have daughter and son-in-law going over to Iraq, touches my soul, and I pray that they remain safe in their service to this country. However sir, ever since the day of the first recorded battle one thing is certain, and that is that rank has its privilege. As a four star general I am certain that if, God forbid, anything happened to those you love so dearly, they would not have to, no, would never have to endure the treatment that those less connected have had to endure. You are the top guy over there and you should have at least paid a visit to these medical facilities. Generals Patton and MacArthur did and their war was slightly larger.
You know it is really ironic that as I write this I just happen to be watching an interview with reporter, Bob Woodruff. As we know, Bob Woodruff was seriously wounded and nearly died while reporting from Iraq. He is currently telling his remarkable story of recovery that was made possible by the brave men and women of our army medical units and by the technology that allowed him as well as those seriously wounded in combat to have a remarkably high survival rate. Woodruff spoke with high praise for the treatment and care he and his family received from the army medical staff in Iraq and in Germany. He went on to say that the treatment he received was no different then that received by those soldiers who were wounded in battle. That is true, however, the treatment and care, or lack of, they receive when state side might make some of them wish they had just simply been killed in battle.
Kiley's remark that he doesn't do barracks inspection should have had him fired right on the spot. You are the chief surgeon of the army at a time of "war" and you can't find the time to visit your wounded patriots! Hell sir you lived right across the street from them! Just think what a visit by the army's top medical surgeon would have meant for those wounded and recovering. It would have, at the very least, conveyed a feeling that those "at the top" gave a shit and would have opened your eyes to the conditions they were recovering in and based on your testimony your eyes needed to be opened. But then again you don't do barrack inspections.
And as for you General Weightmen and your statement to the committee that, "We did not fully recognize the frustrating bureaucratic and administrative processes some of these soldiers go through. We should have, and in this I failed." Yes you did. How could you sit there and say that you didn't recognize the bureaucratic and administrative processes facing these brave men and woman and their families when you have spent your entire career in the military, which has always been one of the biggest bureaucratic and administrative monsters in recorded history. I guess you had just been hired from off the street and that the army places those they hire off the street right into the rank of general. Well I know at least this much; the army doesn't hire their generals off the street, and that in this case it might have been better for those mistreated vets had they done so. Last but not least, General Schoomaker. General the emotion you displayed when advising the committee's chairman, Rep. Tierney that you have daughter and son-in-law going over to Iraq, touches my soul, and I pray that they remain safe in their service to this country. However sir, ever since the day of the first recorded battle one thing is certain, and that is that rank has its privilege. As a four star general I am certain that if, God forbid, anything happened to those you love so dearly, they would not have to, no, would never have to endure the treatment that those less connected have had to endure. You are the top guy over there and you should have at least paid a visit to these medical facilities. Generals Patton and MacArthur did and their war was slightly larger.
You know it is really ironic that as I write this I just happen to be watching an interview with reporter, Bob Woodruff. As we know, Bob Woodruff was seriously wounded and nearly died while reporting from Iraq. He is currently telling his remarkable story of recovery that was made possible by the brave men and women of our army medical units and by the technology that allowed him as well as those seriously wounded in combat to have a remarkably high survival rate. Woodruff spoke with high praise for the treatment and care he and his family received from the army medical staff in Iraq and in Germany. He went on to say that the treatment he received was no different then that received by those soldiers who were wounded in battle. That is true, however, the treatment and care, or lack of, they receive when state side might make some of them wish they had just simply been killed in battle.
Saturday, March 3, 2007
speaker for hire, works "cheap"
Hey Anne Coulter, Good one!!! keep it up you might just get a democrat elected to the White House. Thats what I love about American politics, good old decent integrity. Hey Ann you should tell that one to the Americans who are fighting and dying in Iraq. I am sure they would love to see what kind of high minded political intelligence they are fighting to defend. When you say thing like that it makes me wonder: How you have persevered for so long on the political circuit.
A lowly virtue whereby mediocrity achieves an inglorious success.
A lowly virtue whereby mediocrity achieves an inglorious success.
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