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Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today as we come together to remember the events that took place seven years ago we remember that 2,975 people lost their lives on that faithful day. They were White,Black,Latino,Muslim,Jewish,Christan all. They were Republicans, Democrats and Independents. They were brokers,custodians,food service workers,cooperate executives,law enforcement officers, and fireman. They were sons and daughters, mothers, fathers, aunts uncles, grandfathers and grandmothers, wives, husbands, friends or people we never knew. They were airline workers,college students, and government workers and they all died that day because they had one thing in common, they were AMERICANS. So as we remember those events lets us also remember that in the seven years since those attacks the U.S. has been safe because of the commitment and sacrifice of our armed forces. As of today our military loses in the war on terror have surpassed that of Sept 11th. and yet as of today they still carry the fight to those minority extremist who have taken it upon themselves to speak and act for the millions of peaceful Muslims around the world. So, today, as we honor the memory of our dead and debate whether or not we should continue that fight, let remember that those still serving today need our support because we are all AMERICANS and still targets.

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