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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Rosie and her big mouth....

might just be right. Yes, thats right Rosie O'Donnell of that inept noise making chatter box show, "The View" might have hit the nail on the head when she stated that the 15 British sailors and marines, who were captured by the Iranians last week, were part of a diabolical plot by their government and the U.S. government to further enhance the possibility of war with Iran. Though I don't share this premise, not knowing, off hand,of any military person who would become involved in such an operation, I must say that if one looks closely at history one will find a long laundry list of events which would expose governments that have lied about facts in order to get into a wars. Take for instance the rally cry "Don't forget the Maine, or the Gulf of Tonkin incident and most recently those WMDs. The Maine, which was believed to have been sunk by the Spaniards was actually done in by an explosion in its boil room, nevertheless its sinking gave us the Spanish-American War. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident was recently reported to have never have happened by the man who was in command of the ship it reportedly fired upon. And of course those WMDs (Weapons of mass destruction) which never existed. All have been used to spark emotions of nationalism which would make recruiting a walk in the park. So before you get up set at Rosie for questioning the truthfulness and true intentions of her government and the British government all you have to do is remember your history.

Peace; (noun) a period of cheating between wars. A.B.

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